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Implementatie digitale zorg algemeen
- IJzerman, R.V., van der Vaart, R., Breeman, L.D. et al. An iterative approach to developing a multifaceted implementation strategy for a complex eHealth intervention within clinical practice. BMC Health Serv Res 23, 1455 (2023).
- World Health Organization (2023) The ongoing journey to commitment and transformation Digital health in the WHO European Region 2023.
- Stefan L. Auener, S.L., Van Dulmen, S.A., Van Kimmenade, R., Westert, G.P., Jeurissen, P.P.J. (2023) Sustainable adoption of noninvasive telemonitoring for chronic heart failure: A qualitative study in the Netherlands.
- Tucker, K.l., McManus, R.J. (2023) Safe care from home for complicated pregnancies? The Lancet.
- Bekker, M.N., Koster, M.P.H., Keusters, W.R., Ganzevoort, W., De Haan-Jebbink, J.M., Deurloo, K.L., Seeber, L., Van der Ham, D.P., Zuithoff, N.P.A., Frederix, G.W.J., Van den Heuvel, J.F.M., Franx, A. (2023) Home telemonitoring versus hospital care in complicated pregnancies in the Netherlands: a randomised, controlled non-inferiority trial (HoTeL). The Lancet.
- World Health Organization (2022). Consolidated telemedicine implementation guide.
- Haveman, M. (2022). Towards clinical application of perioperative telemonitoring. University of Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.244295830.
- Haveman, M. E., van Rossum, M. C., Vaseur, R. M. E., van der Riet, C., Schuurmann, R. C. L., Hermens, H. J., de Vries, J. P. P. M., & Tabak, M. (2022). Continuous Monitoring of Vital Signs With Wearable Sensors During Daily Life Activities: Validation Study. JMIR formative research, 6(1), [e30863].
https://doi.org/10.2196/30863. - Van Donselaar-Busschers, R., Smits, S., Gupta Strategists (2022) No place like home the sequal – An analysis of the state of hospital care at home, the impact of pandemics and the outlook – five years later.
- Klijnhout, J., Mannée, D., Van den Heuvel, M., Van den Borst, B., Van Helvoort, H. (2022) Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Can Accurately Perform Home-Based Measurements of Inspiratory Capacity and Dynamic Hyperinflation, 10.1080/15412555.2022.2069554.
- Burq, M., Rainaldi, E., Chung Ho, K., Chen, C., Bloem, B.R., Evers, L.J.W., Helmich, R.C., Myers, L., Marks Jr, W.J., & Kapur, R. (2022) Virtual exam for Parkinson’s disease enables frequent and reliable remote measurements of motor function, npj Digit. Med. 5, 65 (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41746-022-00607-8.
- Bults, M., van Leersum, C.M., Olthuis, T.J.J., Bekhuis, R.E.M., den Ouden, M.E.M. (2022) Barriers and Drivers Regarding the Use of Mobile Health Apps Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Netherlands: Explanatory Sequential Design Study, JMIR Diabetes 2022;7(1):e31451) doi: 10.2196/31451.
- Silven, S.V., van Peet, P.G., Boers S.N., Tabak M., de Groot, A., Hendriks, D., van Os, H.J.A., Bonten T.N., Atsma, D.E., de Graaf, T.J., Sombroek, M. P., Chavannes, N.H., Villalobos‑Quesada, M. (2022) Clarifying responsibility: professional digital health in the doctor-patient relationship, recommendations for physicians based on a multi-stakeholder dialogue in the Netherlands. BMC Health Services Research, 22(129).
- M. Gawałko, D. Duncker, M. Manninger, R.M.J van der Velden, A.N.L Hermans, D.V.M Verhaert, L. Pison, R. Pisters, M. Hemels, A. Sultan, D. Steven, D. Gupta, H. Heidbuchel, A. Sohaib, P. Wijtvliet, R.Tieleman, H. Gruwez, J. Chun, B. Schmidt, J.J. Keaney, P. Müller, P. Lodziński, E. Svennberg, O. Hoekstra, W.P.J. Jansen, L. Desteghe, T. de Potter, D.R. Tomlinson, L. Neubeck, H.J.G.M. Crijns, N.A.H.A. Pluymaekers, J.M. Hendriks, D. Linz (2021) The European TeleCheck-AF project on remote app-based management of atrial fibrillation during the COVID-19 pandemic: centre and patient experiences. EP Europace.
- Peters, G.M., Doggen, C.J.M., Van Harten, W.H. (2021) Budget impact analysis of providing hospital inpatient care at home virtually, starting with two specific surgical patient groups.
- A.R. van Buul, C. Derksen, O. Hoedemaker, O. van Dijk, N.H. Chavannes, M.J. Kasteleyn (2021) eHealth Program to Reduce Hospitalizations Due to Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Retrospective Study, JMIR Publications doi:10.2196/24726
- Sandra A. Hartasancheza, S.A., Fog Heena, A., Marleen Kunnemana, M., García-Bautistaa, A., Hargravesa, I.G., Prokopd, L.J., Maye, C.R., Victor M. Montori, V.M.(2021) Remote shared decision making through telemedicine: A systematic review of the literature, Elsevier https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2021.06.012
- van Leersum C.M, Bults, M., Sloof, M., Pouwe, F. van Manen, J.G., Konijnendijk A.A.J. (2021) Patiëntparticipatie bij de ontwikkeling en toepassing van e-health, Bereidheid en voorkeuren van mensen met diabetes mellitus type 2, TSG Tijdschr Gezondheidswet 99:110–119.
- Met e-healthtoepassingen meer grip op het leven met diabetes (2021), Nederlands Tijdschrift voor diabetologie.
- Dirikgil, E., Roos, R., Groeneveld, G.H., Heringhaus, C., Silven, A.V., Petrus, A.H.J., Villalobos-Quesada, M., Tsonaka, R., van der Boog, P.J.M., Rabelink, T.J., Bos, W.J.W., Chavannes, N.H., Atsma, D.E., Teng, Y.K.O. (2021) Home-monitoring reduced short stay admissions in suspected COVID-19 patients: COVID-box project. European Respiratory Journal, DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00636-2021
- Auener, S. L., Remers, T. E. P., van Dulmen, S. A., Westert, G. P., Kool, R. B. & Jeurissen, P. P. T. (2021) The Effect of Noninvasive Telemonitoring for Chronic Heart Failure on Health Care Utilization: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(9), 1-11.
- Gingele AJ, Brandts L, Vossen K, Knackstedt C, Boyne J, Brunner-La Rocca HP. (2021) Prognostic value of signs and symptoms in heart failure patients using remote telemonitoring. J Telemed Telecare, Sep.
- Peters GM, Kooij L, Lenferink A, van Harten WH, Doggen CJM. (2021) The Effect of Telehealth on Hospital Services Use: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. J Med Internet Res;23(9) :e25195. doi: 10.2196/25195
- Pluymaekers, N. A. H. A., Hermans, A. N. L., van der Velden, R. M. J., Gawałko, M., den Uijl, D. W., Buskes, S., Vernooy, K., Crijns, H. J. G. M., Hendriks, J. M., & Dominik Linz (2021). Implementation of an on-demand app-based heart rate and rhythm monitoring infrastructure for the management of atrial fibrillation through teleconsultation: TeleCheck-AF, EP Europace, 23(3), 345–352
- Bonten, T. N., Rauwerdink, A., Wyatt, J. C., Kasteleyn, M. J., Witkamp, L., Riper, H., van Gemert-Pijnen, L. J., Chavannes, N. H., & Ehealth Evaluation Research Group. (2020). Online guide for electronic health evaluation approaches: Systematic Scoping Review and Concept Mapping Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 22(8), e17774.
- Jongsma, K.R., van den Heuvel, J.F.M., Rake, J., Bredenoord, A.L., Bekker, M.N. (2020) User Experiences With and Recommendations for Mobile Health Technology for Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 8 (8), e17271.
- Treskes, R.W., van Winden, L.A.M., van Keulen, N., van der Velde, E.T., Beeres, S.L.M.A., Atsma, D.E., Schalij, M.J. (2020) Effect of Smartphone-Enabled Health Monitoring Devices vs Regular Follow-up on Blood Pressure Control Among Patients After Myocardial Infarction. A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open, 3(4), e202165.
- Silven, A.V., Petrus, A.H.J., Villalobos-Quesada, M., Dirikgil, E., Oerlemans, C.R., Landstra, C.P., Boosman, H., van Os, H.J.A., Blanker, M.H., Treskes, R.W., Bonten, T.N., Chavannes, N.H., Atsma, D.E., Teng, Y.K.O. (2020) Telemonitoring for Patients With COVID-19: Recommendations for Design and Implementation. J Med Internet Res, 22 (9), e20953.
- Josephus F.M. van den Heuvel, A. Titia Lely, Jolijn J. Huisman, Jaap C.A. Trappenburg, Arie Franx, Mireille N. Bekker (2020). SAFE@HOME: Digital health platform facilitating a new care path for women at increased risk of preeclampsia – A case-control study. Pregnancy Hypertension, 22, 30-36.
- Hang Ding, PhD; Sheau Huey Chen, PG; Iain Edwards, MBA; Rajiv Jayasena, PhD; James Doecke, PhD; Jamie Layland, MBChB, MD, PhD; Ian A Yang, MBBS, PhD, FRACP, FAPSR, FThorSoc, Grad Dip Clin Epid; Andrew Maiorana, PhD (2020). Effects of Different Telemonitoring Strategies on Chronic Heart Failure Care: Systematic Review and Subgroup Meta-Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(11), 1-20.
- Barrett, M., Boyne, J., Brandts, J. et al. (2019). Artificial intelligence supported patient self-care in chronic heart failure: a paradigm shift from reactive to predictive, preventive and personalised care. EPMA Journal, 10, 445–464 .
- Gingele AJ, Brunner-la Rocca H, Ramaekers B, Gorgels A, De Weerd G, Kragten J, van Empel V, Brandenburg V, Vrijhoef H, Cleuren G, Knackstedt C, Boyne JJ. (2019). Telemonitoring in patients with heart failure: Is there a long-term effect? J Telemed Telecare (3), 158-166.
- Koole, M.A.C., Somsen, G.A., Tulevski, I.I. et al. At last, mobile health leading to a diagnosis in a young patient with congenital heart disease. Neth Heart J, 27, 162–163.
- Prof Friedrich Koehler, MD; Kerstin Koehler, MD; Sandra Prescher, MSc; Bridget-Anne Kirwan, PhD; Prof Karl Wegscheider, PhD; Eik Vettorazzi, MSc et al. (2019). Mortality and morbidity 1 year after stopping a remote patient management intervention: extended follow-up results from the telemedical interventional management in patients with heart failure II (TIM-HF2) randomised trial. The Lancet, 2(1), 16-24.
- Niraj Varma (2019). Remote management of patients with heart failure—how long should it go on? The Lancet, 2(1), 1-2.
- Zhu, Y., Gu, X., Xu, C. (2019). Effectiveness of telemedicine systems for adults with heart failure: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Heart Failure Reviews, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10741-019-09801-5
- Eurlings, C., Boyne, J., Boer, R., De, & Brunner-La Rocca, H. (2018). Telemedicine in heart failure—more than nice to have? Netherlands Heart Journal, 5-15.
- Heida, A., Dijkstra, A., Muller Kobold, A., Rossen, J.W., Kindermann, A., Kokke, F., De Meij, T., Norbruis, O., Weersma, R.K., Wessels, M., Hummel, T., Escher, J., Van Wering, H., Hendriks, D., Mearin, L., Groen, H., Verkade, H.J., Van Rheenen, P.F. (2018). Efficacy of Home Telemonitoring versus Conventional Follow-up: A Randomized Controlled Trial among Teenagers with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, Volume 12, Issue 4, Pages 432–441.
- Bekostiging en financiering van zorgtechnologie in de verpleegzorg, een onderzoek naar knelpunten en succesfactoren, (2022) Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit.
- Bekostiging en financiering van zorgtechnologie in de verpleegzorg, een onderzoek naar knelpunten en succesfactoren, (2022) Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit.
- A lifestyle monitoring system to support (in)formal caregivers of people with dementia: Analysis of users need, benefits, and concerns (2018), Zwierenberg, E., Nap, H.H., Lukkien, D., Cornelisse, L., Finnema, E., Dijkstra, A., Hagedoorn, M., Sanderman, R.
- Whitepaper Leefstijlmonitoring (2017), Nap, H.H., Lukkien, D., Cornelisse, L., Van der Weegen, S., Van der Leeuw, J., Van der Sande, R.
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